“Gentlemen, this man is the first in cinematography!” – this is what famous Louis Lumiére exclaimed when he saw a presentation of the pleograph, a film recording and projecting device designed and constructed by Polish inventor Kazimierz Prószyński. This happened in 1894, more than a year before the Lumiére brothers themselves showed a similar apparatus to the public. And this is when the history of Polish cinematography began.
Considering the above, it is not surprising that 'pleograph’ is an emotionally loaded term that evokes associations with the avant-garde, science and history. In fact, could there be a better name for a scholarly periodical devoted to the history of Polish film?
Pleograf is a quarterly academic journal on the history of film, issued by the National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute. It is addressed not only to film and culture experts, but also heartily welcomes contributions from representatives of other humanities. It is a well-established scholarly publication, which nevertheless remains open to all those who love Polish Cinema and are fascinated with its rich history. In Pleograf, you can learn about the results of the most recent film research, academic analyses and polemics, but also read good opinion pieces, interesting interviews with filmmakers, as well as reviews of films and publications about Polish cinema.
The very term 'pleograph’ comes from Greek and is a combination of two words: pléon, which means “more” and gráphō, i.e. “write”. Therefore, please, send your contributions to Pleograf – we accept both scholarly and non-scholarly articles. Each of them will be read in-depth and discussed by our editorial team, and the best papers will be peer-reviewed and published.
Let Pleograf become an exceptional forum for all those who love the tenth muse – let us make it a platform for sharing thoughts about Polish Cinema, its history and directions of development.
- Digital on-line edition is the original (reference) version of the journal.
- The journal is issued by the National Film Archive – Audiovisual Institute.
- Articles sent for publication are subject to a double-blind peer review process.
- We welcome contributions following the theme of the subsequent volumes, but also those which are not related to the main theme of the issue.
- We also accept scholarly reviews of film study books on Polish cinematography.